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共用機器検索Equipment Search
更新情報・お知らせNotice / Update Information
平成29年度 文部科学省 先端研究基盤共用促進事業(新たな共用システム導入支援プログラム)に、長崎大学の「先端物質科学研究ユニット」と「水産・環境科学総合研究科」の二つの組織による提案が採択されました。本事業は、個々の研究室や組織で管理されている研究設備・機器を、共用システムの構築を通して、学内外の研究者に有効活用させることを目標とします。本学の研究環境の改善と研究の活性化への貢献を期待しています。
Nagasaki Univ. Shared Equipment Management/Reservation/Billing Online System
Two proposals from Advanced Materials Science Research Unit and Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Science were adopted by the "Support Program for Implementation of New Equipment Sharing System" (H29, MEXT). This online sharing system was created through this program which aimed to make effective use and management of research equipment by individual laboratories for Nagasaki University researchers and other users around the world. Through this, improvement of research environment and collaborations are expected to be achieved in Nagasaki University.
And Pharmaceutical Research Unit joined in April 2018.
先端物質科学研究ユニット共用システム /
Advanced Material Science Research Unit Sharing System
水産・環境科学総合研究科共用システム /
Fisheries and Environmental Sciences Grad School Sharing System
薬学研究ユニット共用システム /
Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Unit

Advanced Material Science Research Unit Sharing System
The Advanced Materials Science Research Unit (AMSRU) covers the research field of chemistry, materials engineering and electronic materials in the Graduate School of Engineering. This project focuses on the establishment of effective instrument-sharing and utilization-supporting systems for analysis and characterization of functions and physical properties on the study to make progress in research due to enhancement of research speed and quality, as well as promoting integrated studies. AMSRU will provide opportunities to use over 40 equipment/instrument, and technical training and related seminar to improve analysis and evaluation skills of young scientist and students. AMSRU also contributes to collaborative researches with local and international research institutes.
Fisheries and Environmental Sciences Grad School Sharing System
Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Science is founded to cultivate both advanced specialists with practical leadership skills and internationally competent researchers, who can address and provide solutions to environmental and food-security issues, by promoting education and research in interdisciplinary and comprehensive academic fields of fisheries science and environmental science. In order to achieve these objectives, sharing of instruments for fisheries and environmental research is promoted through the JST program.
Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Unit
The Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Unit is composed of Pharmaceutical Sciences and part of Medical and Dental Sciences, and Infection Research, in the assistant with the assistance of technical staffs of Center for Industry University and Government Cooperation. Pharmaceutical education and research field is full of variety and still expanding. We will establish robust database for research instruments and expertise of researchers through the JST program. The system may help to find research partner and/or solution on your subjects.
